Monday, February 14, 2011

Islam...Religion of Peace??? Reallly???

I have been reading the Koran, or as it is now called in our politicaly correct world, the Qur'an.  Why, you may ask, is a 50-something Jewish man reading the Koran?  It is primarily so that the next time I hear someone argue that Islam is a religion of peace, and that the Koran is a document which promotes peace, piety and charity, not hate, terror and genocide, I can argue that they are full of shit without fear of being wrong.

It has been an interesting read.  I did not expect so many references to Old and New Testament persons, such as Abraham, Noah, Moses, Pharaoh, Lot, Jesus, Mary and John the Baptist.  It mentions Jews and Christians, sometimes lumping them together as "the people of the book".  If the overriding theme of fundamentalist Christianity is "Believe or you will go to hell", the message of the Koran is "Believe or you will go to hell, and we'll make sure you get there ASAP". 

The book is extremely repetitive, a "grievous" punishment or penalty awaiting non-believers is mentioned 82 times, the "clear signs" that unbelievers have ignored or mocked 46 times.  The Garden which awaits the believers rates 156 mentions, and the fire awaiting the unbelievers rates 204 mentions.

It is also an extremely paranoid document.  Many times it is stated that unbelievers are actively plotting against Islam.  Surah 2, verse 221..."Unbelievers do but beckon you to the Fire"; 3:54..."And the unbelievers plotted and planned, and Allah too planned, and the best of the planners is Allah."; 4:101 "For the unbelievers are unto you open enemies."

Now here's the central issue.  Although the Koran describes Allah as "oft-forgiving" (84 times) and "most" merciful" (112 times), he is also said to "forgiveth whom He pleaseth, and punisheth whom He pleaseth" (2:284).  The Koran also states that it is wrong to fight unless you are defending yourselves, but when, by definition, all unbelievers are plotting against Islam that pretty much gives carte blanche to fight all unbelievers.

58. And how many populations We destroyed, which exulted in their life (of ease and plenty)! now those habitations of theirs, after them, are deserted,- All but a (miserable) few! and We are their heirs!
59. Nor was thy Lord the one to destroy a population until He had sent to its centre an apostle, rehearsing to them Our Signs; nor are We going to destroy a population except when its members practice iniquity.  (Qur'an 28:58-59)

The above 2 verses kind of say it all.  It legitimizes genocide and the theft of the victim's property, as long as they have been exposed to an "apostle" or engage in "iniquity".  Guess who decides what iniquities qualify a people for destruction?

So It appears that the idea of Islam as a religion based on a document which promotes peace is a total fabrication.  The Koran promotes obedience, fear, and the eradication of anyone who does not buy in to its belief system.

I could go on, and mention the slurs against women, homosexuality, extra-marital sex (except for men, who are allowed to have sex with their slaves 23:6), slavery, permission to beat a woman (lightly) (4:35), instilling "terror" into the hearts of unbelievers (8:12), but I think the point is made.

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